Immo Provence 04
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Have my property appraised
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Our practical sheets
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Our practical sheets
Frequently asked questions
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Our practical sheets
Location information
The tenant's right of pre-emption
The commercial lease
Rent a garage or a parking lot
Renting an unfurnished property
Renting a furnished apartment
The professional lease
Seasonal rental
What index should be used to revise the rent of a residential lease?
Which index to use for the rent of a commercial or professional lease?
Rental and insurance
Income from bare rental and furnished rental
The buyer's rights
I am interested in a property, but I don't have the funds to buy it yet, I should have them soon. How can I put an option on this property?
When I buy a property, does the seller have to leave me the fitted kitchen?
Can I choose the notary who will draw up the deed of sale?
Is there a cooling-off period for an individual who buys land?
MaPrimeRénov : terms and conditions of application
What happens if there is an error in the surface area when selling a condominium lot?
Warranty of eviction
I want to transform a commercial space into housing, do I need a change of use permit?
The right of withdrawal of the buyer of a property
Insurance of the sold property
The warranty of the defects of the good
The mandatory diagnostics
Climate and resilience rules
The Energy Performance Diagnostic
Diagnosis of the interior gas installation
The state of risks and pollution
Mandatory diagnoses when renting a property
Non-collective sanitation
Le diagnostic amiante
Mandatory diagnostics for the sale
Mandatory diagnoses when renting a property
The "Carrez" measurement
Diagnosis of the interior installation of electricity
Le diagnostic plomb
Le diagnostic termites
Information transmission of a real estate (succession)
Who gets my property after I am gone?
Who gets my property after I am gone?
Protecting the surviving spouse
Protecting your PACS partner or your cohabitation
Preemption rights / Servitudes / Local taxes
Local taxes
The urban right of pre-emption
Tax credits
The energy transition tax credit: general case
The energy transition tax credit: The individual house
The energy transition tax credit: Terms of application
The sustainable development tax credit: the individual house
The sustainable development tax credit: Terms of application
The sustainable development tax credit: general case
Buy a property at two
Buying without being divorced yet
Buying for two: precautions to take
SCI (Real Estate Company) information
The SCI lessor
Taxation of the rental of a property held by an SCI
Setting up an SCI
The functioning of the SCI
Co-property information
Condominium fees
The co-owners' meeting
Buy a common area
The distribution of charges at the time of the sale of a lot
Practicing a profession in a condominium lot
What is a condominium?
The rules of co-ownership and the descriptive state of division
The syndic of co-ownership
Common areas and private areas
Investment in real estate information
Rental investment: The DUFLOT scheme
Rental investment: The Scellier scheme
Rental investment : The devices prior to the Scellier device
Legal documents in a real estate sale
What is a compromise?
The different mandates
The different types of promises to sell
The deed of sale
Real estate agent / regulated profession
The professional card
Have your property managed by an agency
Acquisition: special types
Buy a life annuity
The change of destination of a property
The sale in the future state of completion